What we do

We organize workshops, we write books, we give lectures.

Hacker Pedagogy

From digital self-defence to hacker pedagogy: changing our behaviours by experimenting together.


Resources, workshops, laboratories for education.


Books, papers and articles by C.I.R.C.E.'s authors.


Il gioco d'azzardo online: Il caso Fortnite

Il gioco d'azzardo online: Il caso Fortnite

Posted on 05/26/2022 01:29PM

Nell'ambito del ciclo coordinato da Metodi Tutto quello che avreste voluto sapere sul gioco d'azzardo online e non avete mai osato chiedere, il 30 maggio CIRCE sarà ospite nell'incontro "Il caso Fortnite".

To Play or be Played workshop in Berlin

To Play or be Played workshop in Berlin

Posted on 04/04/2022 06:14PM

Pictures from "To play or be played" workshop in Berlin, part of The Kill Cloud: Networked Warfare, Drones & AI, the 26th conference of the Disruption Network Lab.

Get in touch

info[at]circex[dot]org grazie ad alekos.net - logo: Fabio Lapiana