Hacker Pedagogy
From digital self-defence to hacker pedagogy: changing our behaviours by experimenting together.
From digital self-defence to hacker pedagogy: changing our behaviours by experimenting together.
We explore the interconnected layers of digital networks, including power dynamics.
Resources, workshops, laboratories for education.
Books, papers and articles by C.I.R.C.E.'s authors.
Posted on 04/09/2022 02:36PM
Il 10 e l'11 aprile 2022, a Torino, Hackrocchio! Un warm-up di Hackmeeting! Due giorni di smanettamenti, autoformazione, workshop, seminari, riappropriazione dei saperi e hacking. Alle 21.00 di sabato discuteremo della nostra cassetta degli attrezzi digitali.
Posted on 06/07/2021 05:29PM
Interview with Lennon - server @ L200 the link to connect is available here Monday, 7 June 2021 - 7 PM CET
Posted on 01/23/2021 09:00PM
Più mi scrivi meno ti leggo: riflessioni sulla messaggistica istantanea - Le dita nella presa Radio Ondarossa
info[at]circex[dot]org grazie ad alekos.net - logo: Fabio Lapiana