Hacker Pedagogy
From digital self-defence to hacker pedagogy: changing our behaviours by experimenting together.
From digital self-defence to hacker pedagogy: changing our behaviours by experimenting together.
We explore the interconnected layers of digital networks, including power dynamics.
Resources, workshops, laboratories for education.
Books, papers and articles by C.I.R.C.E.'s authors.
Posted on 01/14/2021 07:03PM
di Alfredo Imbellone Mi trovo a scrivere in una condizione particolare: per 15 anni mi sono occupato di didattica a distanza in centri di ricerca universitari, fino a essere assunto nel 2015 come professore di matematica al liceo.
info[at]circex[dot]org grazie ad alekos.net - logo: Fabio Lapiana