
Post nella Categoria: agenda

7at7: Meet RSS and RSF, vision from another future

7at7: Meet RSS and RSF, vision from another future

Pubblicato il 2022-05-07 19:00

Saturday May 7, at 7pm CET we will use the 7at7 platform, to discuss what we call "Really Simple Federation".

Hackrocchio a Torino

Hackrocchio a Torino

Pubblicato il 2022-04-09 14:36

Il 10 e l'11 aprile 2022, a Torino, Hackrocchio! Un warm-up di Hackmeeting! Due giorni di smanettamenti, autoformazione, workshop, seminari, riappropriazione dei saperi e hacking. Alle 21.00 di sabato discuteremo della nostra cassetta degli attrezzi digitali.

L’arte è educazione. Porte aperte a cultura, bellezza e desiderio per nuove politiche educative

L’arte è educazione. Porte aperte a cultura, bellezza e desiderio per nuove politiche educative

Pubblicato il 2022-03-20 18:37

Giovedì 31 marzo ore 14.00/22.00, Teatro del Lido di Ostia e in streaming, Progetto DOORS: L’ARTE È EDUCAZIONE porte aperte a cultura, bellezza e desiderio per nuove politiche educative

Daily Ritual - Online performance with Identity_Runners

Daily Ritual - Online performance with Identity_Runners

Pubblicato il 2022-03-08 18:59

"Grace amounts to gifts of time spent giving room to write" is an online live hybrid performance that engages the participants in listening a podcast of speculative-SF giving, at the same time, room to read and modify or re-write the script itself for future iterations. If you missed the event watch here the recording!

WORKSHOP in Berlin: To Play or Be Played: Uncovering Gamification Techniques

WORKSHOP in Berlin: To Play or Be Played: Uncovering Gamification Techniques

Pubblicato il 2022-02-21 19:47

In the context of the 26th conference of the Disruption Network Lab, THE KILL CLOUD - Networking Warfare, Drones and AI (25-27 March 2022, Berlin and online), we will run the workshop To Play or Be Played: Uncovering Gamification Techniques.

De-gamification Workshop in Berlin

De-gamification Workshop in Berlin

Pubblicato il 2021-11-08 17:38

THE WORKSHOP IS POSTPONED TO 27 MARCH 2022 - Learn more here. Sunday 28 November 2021, 14:30 - 17:00 at Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, part of the conference Whistleblowing for Change: Exposing Systems of Power and Injustice (26-28 November 2021)


info[at]circex[dot]org grazie ad - logo: Fabio Lapiana